So, one thing I'm not seeing obviously in this list of articles (which seem great in general!) is an explanation of how picolisp contrasts to other lisps? Something explaining why I might reach for picolisp instead of, say, scheme or common lisp?
Can anyone share something showing that, or explaining a little bit more about picolisp for someone unfamiliar with it? (I thought the pros/cons list on the page might describe it a little more, but it didn't make things immediately clear to me).
I initially confused this with Lisp for microcontrollers [1]
uLisp is amazing - capable of leveraging a lot of work in a small package.
Gotta admit, the author has a nice sense of eDSL https://picolisp.com/wiki/?taskDB
No floats, yes, but it has fixnums with infinite precision
Nitpick: they're actually arbitrary precision. There's no such thing as "infinite" precision on a real machine. This does actually matter on occasion.
PicoLisp is like an ancient technology or species which somehow survived to this day. It always felt to me like on the cusp to mainstream acceptance.
"No arrays nor floating point numbers" and "mainstream acceptance" don't live in the same world, in my eyes.
Fexprs are cool, though.
Fexprs are very cool. RIP John Shutt
Agreed, at least on the floats. I used PicoLisp in the past some, but I had to call C functions for floats.
Crafted by Rajat
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