Every time the browser belonging to the formerly Don't Be Evil company misbehaves and/or threatens privacy my bond with Firefox gets stronger.
If you’re always as quick to judge as you’ve been here, you’re just going to end up creating your false reality. Even current-era Google killing the Bitwarden extension sounds utterly unbelievable.
And yes, I also use Firefox. There’s enough reason to without having to forego intellectual rigour.
That does sound like overkill even for Google. But they've been quick to exhaust the benefit of the doubt.
It certainly looks bad. But if the bitwarden extension has a critical security issue (e.g. one website can access the passwords of another website), temporarily deactivating it to protect its users could be justified. However, if that's the case, it should have been communicated to the affected users.
Restart the browser. Reinstall the browser. That solved it in https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitwarden/comments/1580s2v/cant_acc...
Thanks. Reinstalling fixed it for me.
Funnily enough, when I tried to download Chrome setup again on Windows, Edge had a popup which blocked the Chrome download. Close the popup, no chrome setup. Try again, popup again, close the popup, no setup. Third time was the charm, I'm set up now.
The exe downloaded three times, so I could have setup from those downloaded files. Blah blah blah silly that Edge blocked the smooth Chrome install process twice blah blah blah.
Ninite.com is a good place to find chrome if you want to install it.
Something is going on. The iOS app crashes when I try to retrieve certain passwords, and the autofill stuff is strange too. Had me worried for a while.
Chrome on iOS and iPadOS is not the same as Chrome on other platforms.
On iOS and iPadOS all browsers currently use the exact same rendering engine due to Apple’s limitations - ergo all mobile browsers on Apple mobile kit are in essence running on the same WebKit engine.
This may well change in the future, and both Google and Mozilla are actively working on ports using their preferred renderer, but that’s not today.
Do you think it would be allowed for someone to compile the iOS Chromium source and release on the app store as "Ungoogled Chromium for iOS"?
Edit: Turns out it's an open issue on the ungoogled-chromium repo, waiting for someone to volunteer to do it:
There's always one of you, like clockwork... What does the engine have to do with the issue at hand?
Chrome on iOS is the best version of their browser. I can’t stand Firefox on iOS. Firefox on PC though is great especially ESR.
Considering that the engine of Chrome and Firefox on iOS is exactly the same, what's in the UI of Firefox that makes it bad for you? And what in the UI of Chrome on iOS that makes it better than on any other OS?
Look and feel of Chrome on iOS is better than Firefox. Text is small. So it’s not the same UI.
Chrome on iOS is snappy and fast. Chrome on PC is slow and buggy. Firefox is fast and stable. Works with nearly everything. I know people including myself have issues with Chrome working on almost every website
> So it’s not the same UI.
Of course the UI is different but the HTML, CSS, JavaScript engine is the same, made by Apple. The engine on your PC is made by Google. Then your iPhone could be faster than your PC for several reasons, but I won't even start getting into that.
I am not sure why you are arguing. Do you work for Google? It’s just a subjective opinion of a user.
clicking [Enable this item] brings the user back to the same page
not seeing this error message when I access the Chrome Plugins page for Bitwarden and it is working fine for me in Chrome. If you have recently updated you may need to restart (maybe will need you to kill tasks in task manager)
This happened two months ago
Crafted by Rajat
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